
What is Vibrational Energy?

Humans are made out of energy and sustained by energy. Our bodies are ever-changing, dynamic fields of energy and vibration, not static physical structures.

Though we cannot see this vibrational energy that makes up the body/mind and sustains us, it is nevertheless a vital part of us. It is the life-force that keeps our hearts beating and our lungs breathing even when we are asleep.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who has done groundbreaking work on the effect of emotions on the crystalline structure of water. In his book The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Emoto documents the effects of different emotions on the structure of frozen water crystals, showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the energy of loving appreciation creates the most profoundly beautiful crystalline patterns. Given that our bodies are over 70 percent water, Emoto’s research has profound implications for health. How we think about, talk to, and feel about ourselves creates an imprint on our cells that affects not only us, but also everyone around us!

Clearly, human interactions have profound effects on health. These effects can be either positive or negative, depending upon the state of mind of the people involved in those interactions.

Through conscious movement, breath, meditation and exercise one can turn the state of mind more positive. When we begin to appreciate ourselves as vibrational fields of energy with the ability to affect the quality of our own experience, we will be getting in touch with our innate ability to heal ourselves and create health every day of our lives.

The Biology of Belief, by Bruce Lipton
The Hidden Messages in Water, by Masaru Emoto and David A. Thayne

Overstanding vs. Understanding.

Difference between Overstanding and Understanding.

Understanding can consume, burn, and deplete an energy supply, but Overstanding recreates it, (or replaces it with a free energy solution inside and out). The difference between Under and Over standing is the difference between Working-For-The and Creating-The. Understanding follows the rule, social structure, or J.O.B., Overstanding can harmonically design a new method for our WHOLE HUMAN FAMILY TO THRIVE. No different from the distinction between instructional KNOWLEDGE and experiential WISDOM.

One Love,
Chris V.

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Here is an itinerary to keep on hand. Now that you have the details, let’s get the fun started!

Meditation to Cure Alzheimer’s?

How has Kirtan Kriya helped those with Alzheimer’s?

“The reason an integrated medical program works is simple: the brain is flesh and blood, just like the rest of the body. Like your heart or any other part of your body, your brain requires the proper nutrition, blood flow, and energy to perform well. Simply put, “What works for the heart, works for the head”-Dr. Khalsa

The Study: Following studies, which found the Kirtan Kriya meditation program to increase cognitive function and cerebral blood flow, a study was conducted to test the integrative meditational medicine on those with Alzheimer’s and memory loss. The study on Kirtan Kriya measured the results of the meditative practice over an 8-week study testing variations in the stress, sleep, mood, and anxiety of 15 subjects with memory loss in the median age range of 62±7 years old and their caregivers.

The Method: In order to test the results of Kirtan Kriya the research team in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation in Tucson, AZ prepared preliminary and post-study testing including neuropsychological tests, photon emission scans, and measures for mood, anxiety, and spirituality. “Major outcomes included measures of perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), sleep (General Sleep Disturbance Scale), mood (Profile of Mood States), memory functioning (Memory Functioning Questionnaire), and blood pressure.”

The Results: The 8-week study produced positive results! Subjects spending 12 minutes a day meditating with Kirtan Kriya were found to have “positive changes in mood, anxiety, and other neuropsychological parameters, and these changes correlated with changes in cerebral blood flow.” See the study.

The study also observed, “an improvement across measures of mental health and cognitive functioning, psychological distress, and telomerase activity in caregivers performing daily Kirtan Kriya compared with the relaxation group.”

Is Integrative Medicine a Good Approach to Alzheimer’s?

According to Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD, Integrative Medicine techniques like Kirtan Kriya and other meditation techniques help to cure memory loss that could be related to stress, cognitive decline, or due to mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is a specific type of memory loss that is, in fact, a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease.” Dr. Khalsa creates a vivid picture of integrative medicine by asking us “to imagine two rivers: a river on the left as conventional medicine, including drugs and surgery, and a river on the right as alternative, or complementary, medicine, consisting primarily of treatments people can apply themselves.”

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