
Favorite Quotes

“If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.”

Lord Chesterfield


Try our new juice recipe.
Super 8 juice

1 kale leaf
1 collard leaf
small handful of parsley
1 stalk of celery
1 carrot, greens removed
1/2 red pepper
1 tomato

Today’s Meditation: Inner Wisdom

Meditate on your Inner Wisdom. We tend to believe that the sources of true wisdom lie with the great and the good. Yet however modest our lives are, we are al capable of arriving at profound insights. All that is required is the willingness to attend to our own experience and to regard ourselves as having the potential for a rich inner life.

Weekly Live Long Tip

“Weekly Live Long Tip”

Nutrition – To help control weight gains, “take in more leafy greens”. Try to hone your diet around organic vegetables, lean proteins, fish, and naturally low-fat dairy. Get your carbohydrates from from whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and nuts. Lastly eat organic or locally grown vegetables and grass fed meats to limit the effect toxins can have on health and matabolism.