December 2013 BeFit Method™ Challenge: “Super-Charged”
The BeFit Method™ Monthly Challenge is a series of physical fitness events challenging our trainers to maximize their performance in individual tests of “SPEM” Strength, Power/Power Endurance, Endurance and Mobility. It is based on the Befit Method™ training principles. Consider the challenge an initial physical screening test will be given to anyone who desires to become a Befit Method trainer.
Objective: The challenge is intended to breakthrough the level of instant gratification that our culture is often conditioned to. Most cases you will need to prepare for the challenge. Success will require preparation, persistence, self awareness and gratitude. Discovering ones ability to adapt, rethink, reconstruct and overcome is part of the process I consider the Art of Wellness. The BeFit Method™ is vehicle used to understand and appreciate the art.
December 2013 BeFit Method™ Challenge: “The Mountain”
Challenge date and time. Thursday, December 19th 6:15am
5 min BeFit Method™ Dynamic Warm-Up – “Primal Awakening”
– 1 mile deep sand run.
100 Power Jacks (modification – jumping jack)
50 Spiderman Push-Up (modification – Spiderman Plank)
30 x 2 Touchdown – Muay Thai Knee Strike
100 linear Hop
600 meter pick-up (run)
75 Power Jacks (modification – jumping jack)
30 Spiderman Push-Ups (modification – Spiderman Plank)
20 x 2 Touchdown – Muay Thai Knee Strike
100 linear Hop
600 meter pick-up (run)
50 Power Jacks (modification – jumping jack)
20 Spiderman Push-Ups (modification – Spiderman Plank)
15 x 2 Touchdown – Muay Thai Knee Strike
100 Linear Hop
600 meter pick-up (run)
For Best Time:
Time Posting will follow the event.
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