
Train On All Energy Systems.

I have mentioned in the Befit Method™ Philosophy to train on all energy systems.
It is the approach that our team recommends and is the foundation of our training

So What does that mean? Why Energy Systems?

Energy systems is how the body produces the fuel our working muscles need while maintaining homeostasis. It allows us to really understand the most important questions about acheiving optimal performance.

The truth is…
More Energy = Better Performance.

As stated by Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky…(inventor of plyometric training)

“The role of an athlete’s strength and conditioning program IS NOT just to improve strength or conditioning…it is first and foremost to increase their potential to produce energy. This increase in energy is what provides the foundation for the athlete to perform their skill faster.

If you think in terms of power an athlete needs to perform the movement or skill faster with more velocity. If you think in the terms of endurance the athlete must be able to produce energy for longer.

In order to regenerate or maintain energy homeostasis during intense exercise energy expenditure, the body has three energy systems that differ in terms of how fast they can regenerate ATP (our cell energy source) and for how long they can regenerate it. The three systems are aerobic, alactic anaerobic and lactic anaerobic.

A simple way to think of energy systems is to observe a 100 meter sprint, a 400 meter sprint and the mile. The record for the 100 meter = 9.58s, (Alactic Anaerobic) the World Record for the 400m = 43.18s (Lactic Anaerobic) and the World Record for the mile = 3:43. (Aerobic). The longer the duration, the more that the aerobic process takes over.

We believe in training with the objective to increase overall physical preperation and performance. With the goal to improve overall performance it is best to focus on maximizing total energy production and to establish a balance between aerobic and anaerobic processes.

Energy systems are an integral part of human performance since they are the foundation for all motor work. To develop all energy systems allows you to maximize power and deliver over a greater duration. Although aerobic and anaerobic can’t always be addressed simultaneously it is important to address both since some sports will demand reletive contributions from both.

For More Details On The Science behind Energy Systems and Performance
Check out Joel Jamieson

©2013 | Chris Vlaun

Overstanding vs. Understanding.

Difference between Overstanding and Understanding.

Understanding can consume, burn, and deplete an energy supply, but Overstanding recreates it, (or replaces it with a free energy solution inside and out). The difference between Under and Over standing is the difference between Working-For-The and Creating-The. Understanding follows the rule, social structure, or J.O.B., Overstanding can harmonically design a new method for our WHOLE HUMAN FAMILY TO THRIVE. No different from the distinction between instructional KNOWLEDGE and experiential WISDOM.

One Love,
Chris V.

Metabolic Typing

Tired? Sluggish? Overweight? Have you tried every fad diet on the market for the last 10 years? Unfortunately, the majority of us can answer yes to these questions. There are diets like Atkins, the Grapefruit Diet, and there is even a diet that involves only powered shakes. Not only have these diets proven unsuccessful in many cases according to governmental research, they haven’t worked for us either.

All is Not Lost
All hope is not lost. It has recently been discovered that a healthy mind and body are not a result of how much you eat. Nor will the same diet work for every person. Each of us has a unique metabolic makeup. This simply means that no 2 people have the same body chemistry. And this makeup determines what you should and should not eat to maintain good health and a perfect weight.

No One Diet is Right for Everyone
Eating a meal that is right for your metabolic type will improve your energy, increase your mental capacities, and boost your emotional well-being.  Each meal should leave you feeling well-satisfied for several hours. If you are already feeling good, eating should, at the very least, help to maintain your energy level.
But if you feel worse in some way an hour or so after eating, such as:
You still feel hungry even though you are physically full
You develop a sweet craving
Your energy level drops
You feel hyper, nervous, angry or irritable
You feel depressed
…then it might be due to an improper combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at your last meal. You might be eating the perfect foods for your metabolism, but having too much of one type of food in place of another can easily produce the symptoms listed above. 

Everyone Has Their Own Unique Metabolic Type
Many people are eating high-quality nutritious organic foods and are still quite sick. They haven’t touched sugar or junk food in ages and still suffer with many health problems. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the major physical ones is related to the fact that they are not eating appropriate foods for their metabolic type.

Metabolic Typing is a revolutionary system for optimizing whole body health. Diet and nutritional supplements are used to address the individual at a fundamental metabolic level, allowing for increased energy, weight loss and greater resistance to disease.

By conducting a series of simple tests we are able to determine each individual’s Metabolic Type. This is the fundamental way in which your body produces and processes energy. Armed with this knowledge the individual can knowingly select the foods and nutritional supplements that are tailored to his or her specific metabolism.

Many diets claim to promote energy and weight loss, but they only work effectively in the long term if they are compatible with your Metabolic Type. This explains why one person can lose weight on a particular diet, while another person might gain weight on exactly the same diet! Not all foods and supplements are equally good for all people. Metabolic Typing is the missing link that explains why one person’s food may literally be another person’s poison.

Aeroga featured on CBS4 News

We were featured at the LOEWS Girls Night Out. Read more