
Raw vs Cooked Food

How much of your food should be cooked? Proponents of the newly popular raw food diets claim that cooking ruins vitamins and enzymes, making food difficult to digest and therefore contributing to disease.

All the traditional peoples cooked some or most of their food. Even in the tropics, where people did not have to build fires to keep the food warm, they built fires every day to cook. In addition to cooking grains and legumes, they usually cooked their vegetables, the very foods some recommend to people to eat raw.

Why cooking? Cooking, helps neutralize many naturally occurring anti-nutrients and irritants in food, also breaking down indigestible fiber. Many foods, such as beans and potatoes, are indigestible until cooked.

While cooking, especially at very high temperatures, does destroy some nutrients but it makes minerals more available and it increase the antioxidants; a surprising benefit of cooking is the fact that it makes proteins more digestible by gently unfolding these large molecules so that the digestive enzymes can latch on and do their work.

For example, if you cook a tomato you will be losing 1/3 of the vitamin C it contains but the amount of available antioxidants increase of a 75% fold. Another problem in eating raw vegetables is that they are high in hard to digest fiber cellulose which will negatively affect your digestion, some are high in oxalic acid which bond with calcium and may lead to kidney stones or low bone density. People suffering of any gut related issues should avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits.

Though cooking does destroy enzymes, many foods we cook do not have many enzymes to start with. Consuming lacto fermented condiments, foods and beverages will more than compensate for enzymes lost in cooking.

Interestingly, all traditional cultures consumed at least some of their animal foods raw. Cooking destroys vitamin B6, derived from animal foods, and greatly reduces milk’s nutrients.

Traditional cultures consume some of their foods raw, which include:
Raw milk, butter and cream
Raw cheese
Raw marinated fish
Raw shellfish
Ethnic raw meat dishes
Lacto fermented fruits, vegetables and beverages

It is important to freeze meat for 14 days before using according to the USDA, to ensure that parasites are completely destroyed. Fish to be eaten raw must be marinated in lemon for several hours, equally effective for getting rid of parasites.

We should eat most of our food cooked, especially vegetables, grains and legumes but as traditional cultures did, we should consume some of our foods raw. I think we have so much to learn from the wisdom of past generation, I believe using that wisdom applying to our modern times would allow us to reach such potential that we do not even know, not only in sport or fitness. I think taking any concept or philosophy to the extreme is never the right choice so my answer to eating more raw foods than cooked foods my answer is as always moderation.

©2013 | Shantih Coro
V Art of Wellness
Director Functional Medicine.
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Metabolic Typing

Tired? Sluggish? Overweight? Have you tried every fad diet on the market for the last 10 years? Unfortunately, the majority of us can answer yes to these questions. There are diets like Atkins, the Grapefruit Diet, and there is even a diet that involves only powered shakes. Not only have these diets proven unsuccessful in many cases according to governmental research, they haven’t worked for us either.

All is Not Lost
All hope is not lost. It has recently been discovered that a healthy mind and body are not a result of how much you eat. Nor will the same diet work for every person. Each of us has a unique metabolic makeup. This simply means that no 2 people have the same body chemistry. And this makeup determines what you should and should not eat to maintain good health and a perfect weight.

No One Diet is Right for Everyone
Eating a meal that is right for your metabolic type will improve your energy, increase your mental capacities, and boost your emotional well-being.  Each meal should leave you feeling well-satisfied for several hours. If you are already feeling good, eating should, at the very least, help to maintain your energy level.
But if you feel worse in some way an hour or so after eating, such as:
You still feel hungry even though you are physically full
You develop a sweet craving
Your energy level drops
You feel hyper, nervous, angry or irritable
You feel depressed
…then it might be due to an improper combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at your last meal. You might be eating the perfect foods for your metabolism, but having too much of one type of food in place of another can easily produce the symptoms listed above. 

Everyone Has Their Own Unique Metabolic Type
Many people are eating high-quality nutritious organic foods and are still quite sick. They haven’t touched sugar or junk food in ages and still suffer with many health problems. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the major physical ones is related to the fact that they are not eating appropriate foods for their metabolic type.

Metabolic Typing is a revolutionary system for optimizing whole body health. Diet and nutritional supplements are used to address the individual at a fundamental metabolic level, allowing for increased energy, weight loss and greater resistance to disease.

By conducting a series of simple tests we are able to determine each individual’s Metabolic Type. This is the fundamental way in which your body produces and processes energy. Armed with this knowledge the individual can knowingly select the foods and nutritional supplements that are tailored to his or her specific metabolism.

Many diets claim to promote energy and weight loss, but they only work effectively in the long term if they are compatible with your Metabolic Type. This explains why one person can lose weight on a particular diet, while another person might gain weight on exactly the same diet! Not all foods and supplements are equally good for all people. Metabolic Typing is the missing link that explains why one person’s food may literally be another person’s poison.

Are GMO Foods Safe?

The FDA has declared that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are safe for human consumption and the corporation producing GMO seeds, Monsanto, in its website declare that GMO foods are presumed safe, there is no need to test GMO modified crops, no reason to test its effects on humans.

What exactly are GMO foods? To give an example, it means taking a pear mixing with an apple and creating a new fruit, with a new DNA which does not exist in nature, a Frankenstein food. GMO foods are altered in laboratory by money driven scientists which work for the most evil corporation in the world: Monsanto.

What happen when we consume these foods and what happen within our body? We are just starting to discover the damage of GMO on human health. Cell Research just published a study which shows the mechanisms for which GMO foods may alter organ function. In the study, it is shown that micro RNA pass from the food, to digestion, blood and then attach to the organs. When we eat, we eat more than vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fat… we are eating information for cells and organs. The study shows that GMO foods can alter the expression of organs, the LDL receptors in the liver and the communication between cells making it a perfect candidate for cancer. More studies have linked GMO foods to infertility, digestive disorders, auto immune disease, skin damage and cancer.

One of the effects of GMO foods is that it “naturally” produces a pesticide which kills insects due to neurological problems and their intestine explodes. So this is very profitable for the food industry but not for our health.

Our immune system controls everything that comes into our body and when we eat GMO foods with a DNA which does not exist the immune system recognize it as an invader and inflammation is triggered. If to an insect its intestine explodes, what do you think happen to the human gut consuming those “foods”? It is not a case that since the introduction of GMO foods digestive problems and neurological disorders have increased dramatically and it originates a new condition known as “leaky gut syndrome” where bacteria and undigested foods go where they do not belong, triggering auto immune disease, allergies and cancer. When we eat GMO foods and it ultimately it reaches our gut and our friendly bacteria, our gut becomes a pesticide factory.

The same GMO foods is the one used to feed the animals we eat, dairy, baked foods, to make corn syrup, the “healthy” cornflakes for children, tortillas and many more foods.
Now that you know the dangers of GMO foods, you have another reason to buy ONLY organic food to be sure to avoid these Frankenstein foods. Stay informed because more jaw dropping discoveries on the dangers of GMO foods are to come.

2013 | Shantih Coro

The Fat Loss Solution

If I was asked to place a number on the average amount of weight our clients lose I would be hard pressed to give you an answer. Why is this true? It’s not because I don’t see dramatic results, but because my program is designed for the individual – for you. Your weight loss will be unique to you and not to a million other people who are nothing like you. Read more